I Tried This Pinterest Recipie And… - Life of Becca G

I Tried This Pinterest Recipie And…

Ahhh the beloved Pinterest. It gives us so many wonderful ideas. And some of those ideas involve food. Actually, hella ideas involve food. I’ve been getting Hello Fresh lately and it’s really helped take my cooking skills up from -3432 to about a 7. However, it hasn’t really helped my attention to detail or ability to make something pretty, per se. So, I decided to try a Pinterest recipe for chocolate covered pretzels and here’s what happened.

It was Super Bowl Sunday. I was going to my friend’s party. And needed to bring something. Everyone had commented about different types of dip they were going to bring so that was out of the question. Even though I make a killer dip that I’ll have to post for you guys someday. ANYWAY back to how I went from thinking I would have a super cute snack to making my audition tape for Nailed It. So, I’m sitting there trying to think of something else I could make. It wasn’t going to be something super intensive because your girl isn’t about that life. Which led me to Pinterest. Search Super Bowl food and you’ll get thousands of hits. But one, in particular, stood out to me. This one:

chocolate covered pretzels

Super easy. Super quick. Super simple. Super Becca should be able to do it. Right? Nope. Please learn from my mistakes so that you CAN make adorable football ready chocolate-covered pretzels.

First, the brown chocolate melted fine. So I was on a role. Dipped the pretzels. Put them on that semi-see through paper stuff people put things on. Heated the white chocolate. Fine. Put the green food coloring in it. Not fine. This is where it went downhill. The food coloring mixed with the chocolate did something weird and made it not melty or want to stick to the pretzel. So I tried very hard to put some green chocolate on some pretzels. I only made like 4 green ones. Because at this point I needed to leave in 30 minutes and still needed to get ready. Which meant no time to let the chocolate get a little hard before decorating. So white lines onto melty chocolate equal not cute dainty white lines like the photo above. Then I put them in the freezer to freeze my masterpiece into place.

Here it is step by step with the end results. Thanks for reading this far for just some chocolate covered pretzels.

chocolate covered pretzels
chocolate covered pretzels

Nailed it!

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