In case you weren’t aware by the obnoxious amount of posts on this blog lately, it’s fall. I know, fall doesn’t “technically” start until Monday but in my mind, it’s been fall since abouttttt the middle of August. Even if Mother Nature is being a little b****. But in the spirit of getting ready and trying to put it into the universe that fall will soon be here, I decided to make a fall to-do list!
Fall is literally my favorite time of year. It’s when everything gets beautiful outside. The weather is gorgeous, there isn’t as much humidity (speaking of, I think I need to move before Annie and I sweat to death), and everything just feels better. In my soul, anyway.
However, fall doesn’t last very long in IL. Because IL sucks at seasons. So, trying to cram a bunch of fall-themed activities in before the weather turns to absolute BS can get kind of hard if you’re not organized and strategic about it. Which is why I came up with a list of the most important things I want to do this fall. I accomplished quite a bit of my list last year so I’m thinkingggg I’ll be able to do the same this year!
- Go to a pumpkin patch
- Carve those pumpkins
- Go hiking (multiple times)
- Roast marshmallows by a bonfire
- Drink as many PSL (and now Pumpkin Cream Cold Brews, you know the ones) as I can
- Watch a million scary movies
- Go to at least one haunted house
- Go apple picking
- Decorate the apartment
- Go through a corn maze
What’s on YOUR fall to-do list?!