If you know ANYTHING about me, it’s probably that I am obsessed with Amazon. And obsessed is putting it lightly. My UPS, FedEx, and USPS delivery people must hate me. Because I am always getting packages from Amazon. Which is why I feel like I am informed enough to provide you with a list of my current Amazon faves. I have made a billion orders in the last year and these 9 things are the ones that have stuck out to me/what I use the most from all of my orders. If Amazon wants to sponsor me or give me some stock in their company, I would complain. I give them enough money.
If you want to check out any of these products, just click on their picture of the name of the product below the photo. If you do buy something from my list, let me know!
This scale connects to your phone via Bluetooth and tells you a whole lotta information I didn’t want to know. And I’m not sure how accurate it is. But it has helped kick my ass into gear at the gym so I can see those numbers go down!
It says it’s a waist trimmer but it’s more like a band that you put on and it makes you sweat more in your stomach. If used consistently while working out, you will see results. At least, I did!
Put this stuff on before you put that Sweet Sweat band on and it’ll make you sweat even more. That might sound gross. And it is when you take the band off. But again, it really worked for me.
I’m really picky about the blending sponges I use. For some reason, I am not a fan of the original Beauty Blender. The shape of these helps me put makeup on more evenly and seamlessly. I use the larger side for foundation and the smaller side for concealer and powder!
I’m always trying to find new ways to organize my ever-growing amount of makeup products. And this helps so much! The shelves are adjustable so you can put smaller or bigger bottles on each side.
These come in the cutest little cases. And they come with a cleaner to properly clean them. And they help save the planet. Because they are reusable. Stop using plastic, one-time-use straws friends.
This. Thing. Is. Amazing. I just set this up about 6ish months ago. And I don’t know if I’ve ever loved a product more.
Sorry, I lied above. This product is my favorite. I don’t think I could love THIS one more. I just walk in, say Alex turn on the lights, and my lights come on. Call it lazy, I don’t care. I need a smart plug in every room.
If you have pets. And those pets shed. And you have any sort of rug or carpet in your home, you need one of these. It’s like a rake but it picks up ALL of the pet hair. I also use it on my couch and it gets the pet hair off of there, too!
And there ya have it, friends. Those are my must-haves from Amazon. So, if you’re not an avid Amazon shopper like myself but you sometimes shop there, you need to purchase some of this stuff. Because you will use it all. A lot.
*All opinions are my own but purchasing through my link helps me out 😉

Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂