Third Time's A Charm - Life of Becca G

Third Time's A Charm

Hey everyone! Welcome to The Life of Becca G. As some of you know, I’ve had two other blogs in this short life of mine. And each time they go on for about a year and then I give up. So I decided to try a third time. They say third time’s a charm. So we shall see. Let’s all meet back here in a year and see how it’s doing. (This is where I would insert that shrugging shoulder emoji if I could)


So, life has changed drastically since the day I started my first ever blog, Beginning with Becca. There has been heart break, happiness, loss, wins, and a whole lot of shit in between. 2017 brought one of the hardest years of my life. But, I made it through. Now I’m stuck picking up the pieces. Whenever that happens, I always find myself needing to write. Which is why I’m here, starting yet another blog. It’s kind of a therapy for me so bare (or bear? I don’t really know the correct form for this saying) with me while I try to figure out happiness and peace within myself.


I figured I would also start this as a way to kind of help others who are also trying to find inner peace and love. Loving yourself is so, so important but yet so, so difficult. And I think it helps to have others helping you along the way. Knowing that someone else is also struggling with the same things you are can be really helpful. Having someone to talk to about those things can also help. So I thought this could be a space for that.


This blog will feature all kinds of things. I’ve always read that your blog should have a sort of “niche” about it. I think my niche is that it’s all over the f’n place. One day I’ll probably talk about what I worked out that day, one day I’ll talk about how happy I am and how good/productive day I’ve had, and the next I’ll be talking about how I barely wanted to move from bed all day.


So welcome. I hope you’ll stick around. And maybe I’ll actually stick to this one. Who the hell knows. I guess we will find out at the end of 2018. Hopefully I’m typing about how I had the best year of my life and not the worst. We shall see.
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